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Showing posts from June, 2020

Is India ready for smart cities?

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. If we can get things done by merely dreaming about it then India would have been a developed country long ago. But the thing with smart cities and bullet trains in India is that it is an overly hyped concept of political parties with no ground reality just to fulfil their political mileage at the time of elections. But the question of Is India ready for smart cities? It is the most important question asked at the time of elevating environmental problems and having 13 out of 25 most polluted cities in the world in India. Rather it is the need of the hour for the government to look into the concept of smart cities with pugnacious attitude and with a sense of clairvoyance for the development of future generations. It is a stark reality that India’s population will grow two folds till 2050. The only way to combat all of these problems is to take the concept of smart cities seriously. But the thing is that we cannot merely pluck the future of smart...

Should the state intervene in the following of tradition by the people?

The topic of should the state intervene in the following of tradition by the people is more or less the conflict between the Government Vs God, or the state should leave the religion alone? The preamble of the Indian constitution has the word “Secular”, implying that it will not discriminate and patronise in the profession of any religion. As according to the constitution India is a vibrant secular country and the government should not interfere in any religious or cultural practice unless there is a violation of basic human rights as enshrined in the constitution. But there have also been tensions between the secular government vs minority cultural practices, as in the recent case of Triple Talaq and the decision to allow women to enter the Sabarimala Temple.   More to this, the only concern is not just the state leaving religion alone but to give the right to an individual whether to believe in one God or many God. The new scenario of targeting a certain religious group to gain p...

Nuclear weapon testing is considered to be dangerous. It is a deterrent for war.

Nuclear weapon testing is considered to be dangerous. It is a deterrent for war. On July 16 1945, New Mexico when the Trinity explosion was successfully completed, Robert J. Oppenheimer said, “ Now I become Death, the destroyer of the world”. He, without knowing the phantom risk and real risk of the atomic bomb, realised that he has developed a recipe of failure and earth will not be a safe haven anymore. After the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear explosion, the words proved to be true and it marked the beginning of the atomic age. Since then the rate of nuclear testing has increased tremendously as a part of the country's self-defence program. Especially between the superpowers like Russia and the United States. Reports suggest that during the period of 1953 to 1968 these two countries have tested so many nuclear weapons that it has created a negative impact on the environment. As most of the nuclear tests have been tested in the northern hemisphere, study shows that it’s natural an...