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Showing posts from April, 2020


In normal economies, the product does not have a negative price. If a company is at loss they just stop production and shut down the unit. But unfortunately that is not the case with oil, its different. Once an oil well is started, it is costly to shut down permanently or temporarily and then restart. This was the reason the price of oil futures gone done by 300% of the West Texas Intermediate(WTI) not the actual crude oil that you buy from the local gas stations. Yes, like any other commodities gold, silver you can invest, speculate, or hedge in oil futures. So the question arises what is the oil futures and how can you invest in that? There are basically three major oil futures you can invest in it. Brent Crude - Roughly two-third of the crude contract around the world is of the Brent. As it is waterborne in nature so it is easier to transport and cheaper to buy. West Texas Intermediate - The oil extracted from the US oil well and send by pipeline to Cushing, Ok...

Big Data: Is it a threat to mankind?

Steve Jobs once said, "our life moves forward but we understand it backward". Have we ever think over the fact that knowingly or unknowingly piling of so much of our personal data on various online platforms could be perilous for our future. Are people so much vulnerable to the possible misuse of this restored personal data at the hands of vested interest? In this universe, opposite forces are hell-bent upon destroying the harmony of life and often tend to work for cross purposes only to get their pound of flesh. In fact, these are not to be called competing forces as their act is often against the principle of life with peace and harmony resultant of honesty and creativity. So is the case with technology, it has both pros and cons. There is no doubt in understanding that technology has made our life much smoother and easier. But the fact that it has deprived us of our privacy which is often compromised to be ignored for the sake of convenience. The good part o...

One Nation One Election

Elections are the most important part of any democratic country. Different countries have different methods to elect their representatives to form the government. Unlike the US where Presidential elections are conducted, India has national elections for the formation of a new Parliament (to elect new members of Parliament) to form a new govt at the center headed by the PM with his council of ministers. Similarly, election for formation of new State Legislative Assembly( by electing new members of legislative assembly)to form new govt headed by CM with his council of ministers. But, curiously enough, the above two sets of elections are seldom conducted simultaneously with the result our country happens to witness mini elections round the year causing immense financial strain on exchequer besides causing unwanted and avoidable shifting of manpower from productive deployment to manage these mini elections.  So, with the changing demography the countries have their own modus operandi...


The title of the essay,” Bharat vs India a divided nation” has become quite evident as the problems we are facing are pushing us into a dark tunnel of a divided nation with a small lamp at the end of this throwing eternal light of hope, mutual trust and sense of confidence. The display of unity and solidarity during the great struggle of freedom from the yoke of British imperialism that we had before independence all appears to be fading away in this modern dynamics of globalization and the presence of occidentalism. But delving deep into this burning topic, Bharat vs India, is all about the different reasons which sound alarm to us as one nation. It may be Hindu vs Muslim, Urban vs Rural, or Hindi vs English as a national language. In India there are people with two sets of ideologies, one which supports the concept of modern India and others which wants rural India to be developed. One supports the spending of 200 crores on a Bollywood movie, robust it's space agency ...

Business and Ethics don’t go hand in hand these days

In the 21st century, notoriously known for cut-throat competition, the theory of business ethics appears to be fast losing ground to profitability concept thereby narrowing the scope for preaching and practicing the philosophy of ethical standards in business. We have been taught and reminded of this jargon since our childhood as if being indispensable lessons for successful Business people. But going by Hume’s theory which suggests, “The strength of belief be a product of repetition.”, and there are not enough real-life examples that’s why we tend to deviate from the idea of morals and ethics.  In 2016, the presidential election of the United States was manipulated by a company called California Analytics which bought the data about demography from Facebook and influenced the people's opinion in a big way into supporting the particular candidate. If the top 500 fortune companies of the world like Facebook hardly stand the scrutiny of, let alone other hapless sections...

Financial Crises In Europe

                           What is the financial crisis? Why does it happen? Developing countries are at a loss to understand why developed countries are facing financial crises. These are the questions that have become common in the last two decades. In a broader sense, financial crises is the inability of a country to generate income and leading it to halt the wheels of the economy. The most important question arises that there are several regulatory authorities around the world that have chalked out modus operandi to drive the economy in a smooth and efficient way. Still countries fail to stand strong and end up in financial crisis. There are two major reasons for this. The first one, is the incompetence of the ruling government and turning blind eye to major problems like tax evasion and corruption. In the long term these string of set...